
憑信念 · 創機會 · 傳希望 小船每次在波平如鏡的海面走過,都會泛起不一樣的漣漪。這像是我們在人生中留下的痕跡,每一個人的經 歷都帶著不同程度的激盪。 但願每人抱持遼闊如海洋的胸襟,憑藉同一信念、共創機會;相信更生人士及精神復元人士,在開拓新里程同 時,必會變化出教人觸動的時刻,互敲心窗,傳遞希望。 Faith · Opportunity · Hope On the calm surface of the sea, ripples formed follow the path of the ship. It causes the thinking of each of us experience surge at different levels across lifetimes. Hoping all of us be sincere and open-minded. Together with Faith, our community can join hands to create more Opportunities for rehabilitating service users and people in recovery to move to new phase and create touching moments that spread Hope to the surroundings. 封面設計概念 Front Cover Design Concept