Annual Report 2021-22

為了全面審視本會過去的服務,在品牌重塑的過程中,我們進行超過 40 小時的訪談面試和發出超過三千份問卷調查,並從中獲得珍貴的見 解。我們深信每個人都值得生活於一個自在共融和彼此接納的社會, 這就是我們的創始初心和成立本會的目的。在此,我們榮幸地為本會 的新面貌和新里程碑揭幕:一對永遠用心聆聽的引號,象徵著我們的 使命、堅毅和專業。 我們是善導會,一家致力推動社會共融的非牟利社會服務機構,從研 究導致罪行發生的成因著手,為在社會不被接納或被忽視的人士提供 多元化的服務,給予實際協助,讓他們重新融入社會。我們心存同理, 堅定不移地「同你心 同你行」,讓你能自在地融入社群,重建對社會的 歸屬感。 During this Rebranding journey, we conducted more than 40 hours of interviews and sent over 3,000 questionnaires to collect opinions from varies stakeholders and to review our services. These findings have provided invaluable insights into accomplishing our belief that “everyone deserves to belong”. Based on this belief, we are proudly present the new logo – a pair of always “listen with heart” quotation mark, symbolic of our persistent and professional services. We are SideBySide to help you belong with understanding and unwavering support. We’re an NGO that promotes inclusivity, addresses factors contributing to crime, and provides practical services to help excluded people reintegrate into the society. 品牌誕生的故事 New Brand Introduction